Dear Members and Friends of the Conference,
We're thrilled to share the presenters guide for this year's Congress, complete with all this November's presentations, session descriptions, and biographical information on each presenter. What topics are being covered at the 2021 Congress and who's presenting? We invite you click on the link above and take a look!
We think you'll agree that this year's presenters will cover a wide array of topics and that their diverse backgrounds and expertise will touch on key themes in formation and religious life today. Their words of wisdom will invite us to deeper reflection and dialogue around the work we do on behalf of our congregations, the church and wider world.
We'll embody the now of religious life and give expression to our future as women and men religious. Join us as we, together, traverse this unfolding path.
If you haven't already, we encourage you to register for the 2021 Congress. This year's Congress will take place in-person in Chicago and online, November 4-7.
Click to register for Congress. In-person and virtual packages now available!
Our presenters look forward to gathering with participants in Chicago and connecting with virtual participants online. RFC Staff is excited to greet this year's participants, too!
Hope to see you in November,
Ryan Hoffmann, DMin
Associate Director