September 12, 2018
To the Catholic Theological Union (CTU) Community:
In the wake of the revelations of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury findings regarding clergy sexual abuse, the resignation of former Cardinal McCarrick for abuse, and the accusations of a former papal nuncio to the United States, we start this school year in a very problematic context. At the request of several people in the CTU community, I am announcing a listening session for those who wish to have a forum for expressing their feelings about studying for ministry in this context and to offer mutual support as we face this issue as a community. The listening session will take place on Tuesday, September 18, at 4 p.m., in Room 210 B&C.
As several people requested, my homily on this topic (from yesterday’s Mass of the Holy Spirit) has also been posted on the CTU website.
As we begin this school year, let’s continue to pray for all of those wounded by sexual abuse and the negligence of Church leaders.
Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV