The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship
with our Creator and all creation through celebration,
conversion, and commitment. It is an annual ecumenical
season where we pray and act together as a Christian
family for our common home.
We are called to engage in the Season of Creation starting
early in the year, so that we can build a year-long process
of preparation for the celebration that takes part later in
the year.
As you prepare for the Season of Creation, remember that
rather than events we are building encounters, to cultivate
listening in the spirit of ecumenism, engaging in prophetic
action for our common home and strengthened by eco-
spirituality to commit and follow-up on our responsibilities
as stewards of creation.
There are many different ways to celebrate the season.
The ecumenical Season of Creation network has suggested
a few ideas, which are available at the link below. Be sure to visit for more ideas and campaigns, and
to register your event on the website.