Phase I of the process involved the Steering Committee in Zoom calls and a day-long meeting to finalize the design of the planning process, to review information about the Conference prepared by the national office staff, to generate “big picture” questions, and to identify “thought leaders,” a diverse group of women and men committed to the flourishing of religious life whom the project facilitator interviewed re their perceptions of the continuing evolution of religious life and of the RFC itself.
All of this material was brought to Phase II of the process at the Tucson retreat. There participants analyzed the data, identified priority issues for the Conference, articulated the Conference’s values, mission, and vision, and drafted exciting goals, objectives, and strategies/actions for the next three years. This draft will be sent to RFC members for their feedback in coming weeks. Be on the alert for it; we value your engagement in the Conference’s planning process.
In Phase III, the Conference’s current structure will be reviewed and adapted or redesigned as may be needed for its emergent future. In preparation for this, participants at Tucson identified organizations whose structures seemed sound and supportive of the organizations’ mission. The project facilitator will interview persons from these organizations in preparation to the next phase of the Conference’s planning.