Lisa Buscher, RSCJ

Sister Buscher and volunteers bless a young father.

In the fall of 2021, I participated in a day offered to women religious of the Diocese of San Diego focused on ministries of direct service to people on the move — migrants and refugees at the United States–Mexico border in Southern California. I was deeply touched hearing about the variety of ministries done by sisters and began to look at ways to get involved after moving to San Diego.

One ministry that captured my imagination was Border Compassion, a ministry of "cross-over” accompaniment and encounter with people on the move living at Posada del Migrante shelter in Mexicali, Mexico. Border Compassion was founded by Sister Suzanne Jabro, CSJ, and is a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. It is an all-volunteer movement inviting, coordinating and guiding faith communities to cross-over. We stand at the border, and with the asylum seekers, forming a flexible, nimble, and efficient web of compassion.

In the fall of 2022, I participated in my first crossover and have continued to partner with Suzanne in this ministry ever since. We bring volunteers, along with resources and community building activities, to the women, children and men living at the shelter seeking asylum.

Last year, we hosted 36 crossover days in a ten-month span, accompanying over 384 volunteers from the United States to the shelter in Mexicali. The resources and support we offer include direct service in health care, spiritual accompaniment, psycho-social support, immigration law, and educational activities.

Sister Hunyady spends time coloring with a young girl. (Photo by Teresa Lynch, CSJ)

More recently in June, we welcomed a group of volunteers from the Los Angeles Archdiocese along with Mary Kay Hunyady, RSCJ, and Erin Everson, Communications Project Manager of the Society of the Sacred Heart United States – Canada Province. The volunteers hosted a Father’s Day celebration at the shelter. The day included games, a blessing of the fathers, and a cookout, and every dad received a gift, thanks to generous donations made to Border Compassion.

The situation at our border is not going to go away, and there are many, many needs here at our doorstep. Please reach out if interested in learning more about this ministry of accompaniment and encounter with people on the move at the U.S.– Mexico border.


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